Dear Society,
I am a boy. I identify as a guy and I was born a guy. Growing up in a home of women, feminism was something I always knew about. But I can't say I really cared. I mean I probably just thought they already had the same rights or something. It was a different story than racism for me because I definitely knew it was a huge problem because I am a person of color. However, I am not a woman. How could I even understand feminism right? Women are treated the same right? Well I was probably around 8, maybe older. I was walking around the city with my sister who was only a couple years older than me, 12 or 13. She was wearing some casual jeans and a winter sweater because it was cold. Men would catcall or say disgusting things. I remember just getting so mad. I looked at her, expecting to be mad but instead she had a straight face. A casual face. As if she was used to it. As I got older the more stories they told me and the worse it seemed to get as well. I knew it existed, but I never really understood.
-A Little Brother