Dear Society,
Boyfriend, a word that resonates with many teenagers growing up. Either wanting one, or wanting to be one. In my case, I want both.
Imagine being a teenager, hungry for young love. Now imagine the one you love is unattainable. Not because they don't like you back, but because you feel as if society will deem you as disgusting.
I always wanted that highschool love. I feel as if society stole that potential love from me. Society made me conceal my feelings, made me suppress my thoughts. I felt as if I was invalidated just for being me.
I wish I could go back in time and relive my life. Grow up without the countless intrusive thoughts. Grow up without questioning my sexuality. Make up for what feels like a life wasted.
I have nights I feel I'll never be fully accepted. Where my thoughts take over and I dream of what could've been. Where I daydream of a dystopian world where I can just be me.